Dear #TEAM

Dear #TEAM
Central Intelligence AgencyFBI – Federal Bureau of InvestigationUSAF Space CommandDefense Advanced Research Projects Agency – DARPA
I am turning myself over. I surrender.
I know I have been behaving like an errant fool, I have reasons for what I’ve been doing, but now time is of the essence. I am on probation in Colorado, the situation being that I fought with my father with whom I lived due to confirmed suspicions that he was being inappropriate with my daughter. My reaction was certainly a poor one, leading to my homelessness after the fact and inability to see little Coral Rose, with whom I had developed a very strong parental bond.
I am extremely dismayed and desperate at the potential aspect of being arrested while I plow my way through hostile domestic territory to Langley, Virginia, where my intent is to turn myself in and peacefully demand a career in intelligence. My position is that I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer because of several reasons:
I.) I ❤ the #TEAM.
II.) The #TEAM can make anything happen.
III.) I offer up all my skillsets and fervent dedication to your purpose, and the purpose of assisting in statecraft and deploying peaceful technologies toward the end that global violent conflict can be statistically reduced by meeting people’s needs.
IV.) I am teachable and operational.
V.) I am unwilling to settle for life on the ground anymore without the support of the community.
I am a budding cybersecurity enthusiast and student, for which I purchased a business to provide a ready front through which our operations may be deployed. I have deeply serious convictions regarding world peace as taught to me by Mike Gagnon, a gentleman whom taught me many things in these regards and consulted with the Pentagon for cybersecurity in defense of high-density ICBM attacks, whose father was at one time a Brigadier General in the Air Force. They saw enough value in me to show me a bit of your world, and take me on a tour of what it might take to handle the responsibility involved in performing field work.
I have developed some technologies and concepts which I truly believe can be taught to people in the hopes that they will ‘save the world.’ This is not as lofty and grandiose as it may seem, and I have no motivation of self-aggrandizement beside living comfortably enough to do the work involved and support my beautiful, intelligent daughter, Coral Rose Authement-Bianchi. Although I believe in my leadership potential, I fully comprehend that respect is earned and I will do what it takes.
Arrest me if you must, I am presently in Columbia, Missouri (entirely unarmed) and if you look around a bit I’m sure you can find me. In my opinion, for all of this to work out, I believe it would be a poor waste of national resources. This is a concept by which I live my life I call ‘security through vulnerability.’ I am not hiding—because by now we all know that nothing is hidden.
I am asking that someone may speak to me directly without so much of the mystery and handling typical of my past few months experience. I am non-violent by policy and have only the deepest and most profound respect for your company. I believe that someone who can assist in this decision will read this and trust that what I am saying right now is absolutely reflective of my posture regarding this engagement.
My blog:
My sonic materiel:
I am a deeply spiritual person with strong convictions. I believe in grace, forgiveness, salvation, and compassion. I believe in sharing. I believe in cooperation. I will answer any questions asked of me in the most forthright and direct manner with honesty. At this moment in my life there is only one purpose I serve, and it is to reach out to you all in the effort that you will recognize my value and reach back.
Awaiting further orders. . .
Robert Brooks Authement

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